- Selected workImagesList
- Abstract Language Model (Sync)Audio-visual installation, 12 minutes, 4-channel, neural network, custom software

- Abstract Language Model (Live)Audio-visual performance, 45 minutes, 1-channel, neural network, custom software

- Offset XYZKinetic sculpture, dim. 310 x 310 x 300cm, pneumatic actuators, stretchable fabric, aluminum structure

- Obscured VariantsSculptures, dimensions variable, SLA printed objects, matte black lacquer finish

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- 2024WorkExibitionsSoloGroupPerformanceAll
- Sonic Territories Festival, Breaking Free, November 16, Performance, Vienna / Austria sonic-territories.at
- Glissando Magazyn, A sign is just a metaphor, September 15, Interview, Warsaw / Poland glissando.pl
- Maison de Rhénanie-Palatinat, ALM, September 05 — October 05, Solo exhibition, Dijon / France m-r-p.org
- Maison de Rhénanie-Palatinat, Discussion with Laurent Gautier, September 05, Panel, Dijon / France m-r-p.org
- Un Singe en Hiver, ALM, September 04 — October 04, Solo exhibition, Dijon / France unsingeenhiver.com
- Un Singe en Hiver, Abstract Language Model (Live), September 04, Performance, Dijon / France unsingeenhiver.com
- WeSA Seoul, WeSA AudioVisual Festival in Jeju, August 02, Performance, Jeju / South Korea wesa.kr
- Noise / StructureGenerative interactive installation, 1-channel, dim. 230 x 135 x 35cm, custom software

- Union Investment, Noise / Structure, July 03, Permanent collection, Frankfurt / Germany union-investment.de
- Fédération Léo Lagrange, Occurro / Hic et Nunc, June 04, Artist talk, Mainz / Germany leolagrange.org
- Haus Burgund, German-French cultural exchange, June 03 — 09, Residency, Mainz / Germany hausburgund.de
- Sónar+D Istanbul, Music, creativity & technology, April 26 — 28, Screening, Istanbul / Turkey sonaristanbul.com
- Festival ZERO1, Cultures numériques, March 28, Performance, La Rochelle / France festivalzero1.com
- Galerie Ador Expérience, Arts hybrides, March 27 — 31, Group exhibition, La Rochelle / France ador-experience.com
- Medialab Matadero, Mentes Sintéticas, February 09, Performance, Madrid / Spain medialab-matadero.es
- Universal InterfaceAudio-visual performance with sculptural element, 30 minutes, 2-channel, custom software

- Medialab Matadero, ALM Technical details and setup, February 03, Workshop, Madrid / Spain medialab-matadero.es
- Medialab Matadero, OpenLAB#03 Draft Session, February 02, Performance, Madrid / Spain medialab-matadero.es
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- 2023Discography AlbumCompilationPublicationAll
- Review Abstract Language Model from Soundrive, November 13, Gdańsk / Poland soundrive.eu
- Medialab Matadero, Mentes Sintéticas, November 06 — February 11, Residency, Madrid / Spain medialab-matadero.es
- Glissando Magazine on Abstract Language Model (Live), November 06, Warsaw / Poland glissando.pl
- Obscured VariantsSculptures, dimensions variable, SLA printed objects, matte black lacquer finish

- Review Abstract Language Model from Musique Machine, October 24, Petersfield / UK musiquemachine.com/reviews/
- The Moderns ep. 284 with Abstract Language Model, October 15, Toronto / Canada themoderns.blog
- Semiotic InterpolationsFine art prints, dimensions variable, 308g/m² Hahnemühle Photo Rag, black frame

- El Parqueadero, Atom files, October 11 — November 13, Group exhibition, Bogotá / Colombia harddiskmuseum.com
- Review Abstract Language Model from Vital Weekly, October 10, Nijmegen / Netherlands vitalweekly.net/1406.html
- Review Abstract Language Model from Silence and Sound, September 24, Paris / France silenceandsound.me
- OSA Festival, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, September 23, Performance, Sopot / Poland osafestival.pl
- Abstract Language Model, Album, Kasuga Records, kasuga030, September 15, Physical release kasuga-records.com
- Harddiskmuseum, Transformation U+0000..U+FFFF, June 30, Permanent collection, Madrid / Spain harddiskmuseum.com
- Sónar+D, Music, creativity & technology, June 15 — 17, Group exhibition, Barcelona / Spain sonar.es
- Abstract Language Model (Sync)Audio-visual installation, 12 minutes, 4-channel, neural network, custom software

- Museum Schloss Moyland, No Strings Attached, May 20, Soundscape for performance, Bedburg-Hau / Germany moyland.de
- Makersplace, Abstract Language Model, April 11, Collection, San Francisco / USA makersplace.com/andreaslutz/
- Sedition Art, Daemon, March 23, Collection, London / UK seditionart.com/collection/daemon/
- Interview for Sedition, Art practice, March 20, London / UK seditionart.com/interview-with-andreas-lutz/
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- 2022
- Karachi Biennale, Art practices in the human machine era, November 11, Artist talk, Karachi / Pakistan zoom.us
- Karachi Biennale, KB22, October 31 — November 14, Group exhibition, Karachi / Pakistan karachibiennale.org.pk
- Goethe Institut Karachi, Alliance Française, October 28, Performance, Karachi / Pakistan goethe.de/ins/pk/
- Times Art Museum, Wavelength, October 13 — January 02, Group exhibition, Chengdu / China wavelengthmuseum.com
- Clujotronic, Meet the artist, October 08, Artist talk, Cluj-Napoca / Romania facebook.com/events/774925076923723/
- Centrul Cultural, Games and Politics, October 07 — 16, Group exhibition, Cluj-Napoca / Romania clujotronic.ro
- Clujotronic, Electro Arts Festival, October 07, Performance, Cluj-Napoca / Romania clujotronic.ro
- Abstract Language Model (Live)Audio-visual performance, 45 minutes, 1-channel, neural network, custom software

- FILE Festival, Galeria de Arte do Sesi, July 12 — August 28, Group exhibition, São Paulo / Brazil file.org.br
- China Daily Magazine, On the edge of senses, July 08, Beijing / China chinadaily.com.cn/a/202207/08/
- Times Art Museum, Wavelength, July 06 — September 12, Group exhibition, Beijing / China timesartmuseum.com
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- 2021
- BOLD Fest, Panel on New Media Art, November 06, Artist talk, Chișinău / Moldova boldfest.is
- Athens Digital Arts Festival, Tāctus, October 28, Performance, Athens / Greece online.adaf.gr
- The Age of Data, Embracing Algorithms in Art & Design, ISBN 978-3721210156, October 18, Salenstein / Switzerland niggli.ch
- Athens Digital Arts Festival, Tāctus, October 13 — 17, Group exhibition / Live AV set, Athens / Greece adaf.gr
- Semiotic SystemDigital video, 4 minutes, 4x 1-channel, custom software

- Fatti d’Arte, Teatro, September 24 — October 03, Group exhibition, Bitonto / Italy facebook.com/fatti.darte/
- Sedition Art, Semiotic System, September 02, Collection, London / UK seditionart.com/collection/semiotic-system/
- Sedition Art, Axiom Inverse, July 08, Collection, London / UK seditionart.com/collection/axiom-inverse/
- Dyad InverseDigital video, 3 minutes, 2x 1-channel, custom software, stereo sound

- York Art Gallery, Aesthetica, March 13 — February 21 2021, Group exhibition, York / UK yorkartgallery.org.uk
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- 2020
- Noche Blanca Oviedo, Curated by LEV Festival, October 03, Group exhibition, Oviedo / Spain nocheblanca.es
- Luch Festival, New audio-visual art, September 01 — 06, Group exhibition, Yekaterinburg / Russia yeltsincenter.ru
- Monolith YWKinetic sculpture, dim. 120 x 120 x 140cm, electric actuators, stretchable fabric, LED lights

- AVA Festival, Emerging Talent Winner 2020, July 27, Belfast / UK avafestival.com/emergingtalent/
- Galerie Mazzoli, Midissage Inedito, July 11, Performance, Berlin / Germany galleriamazzoli.com
- Dyad, Album and Software, Kasuga Records, kasuga029, June 15, Physical release kasuga-records.com
- Dyad Gamma, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga028, June 12, Digital release and software kasuga-records.com
- Galerie Mazzoli, Inedito, June 04 — July 31, Group exhibition, Berlin / Germany galleriamazzoli.com
- I_AM, Catalogue with works from 2014 — 2020, May 27, Berlin / Germany I_AM-AndreasLutz-2014-2020.pdf
- Dyad Beta, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga027, May 08, Digital release and software kasuga-records.com
- Dub Fund Pt. 17, Compilation, Kollektor, KLLKTR017DF, April 24, Digital release
- Feature for Radio 3 Atmósfera, Atmósfera contra el COVID19, April 05, Madrid / Spain rtve.es/atmosfera/
- York Art Gallery, Aesthetica, March 13 — February 21 2021, Group exhibition, York / UK yorkartgallery.org.uk
- Centrul Cultural Akzente, Inauguration, March 05, Performance, Chişinău / Moldova facebook.com/183664309585937/
- Future Now 2020, 100 Contemporary Artists, March 04, York / UK aestheticamagazine.com/future-now-collection
- Artcor Lab / Centrul Cultural Akzente, March 02 — 04, Workshop, Chişinău / Moldova artcor.md
- Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, February 25 — March 01, Screening, Paris / France art-action.org
- Aesthetica Art Prize, Shortlist, February 12, York / UK aestheticamagazine.com/artprize/
- Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Digitaler Wandel, January 05, Panel, Freiburg / Germany gegenwartskunst-freiburg.de
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- 2019
- Dyad Alpha, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga026, December 30, Digital release and software kasuga-records.com
- Daemon#005, Compilation, Kasuga Records, kasuga025, December 20, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- DyadPigment prints, dim. 42 x 60cm, 180g/m² natural paper coated white, white frame

- HeK Basel, Avatars & Doppelgangers, November 24 — December 29, Group exhibition, Basel / Switzerland hek.ch
- Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, November 23 — January 17, Group exhibition, Freiburg / Germany gegenwartskunst.de
- E-Werk Freiburg, Opening Regionale 20, November 22, Performance, Freiburg / Germany ewerk-freiburg.de
- PRECTXE, Digital Art Festival, November 03, Performance, Bucheon / South Korea residentadvisor.net/1325804/
- B39 Art Bunker, Xplo-, November 02 — January 12, Group exhibition, Bucheon / South Korea b39.space/program/
- PRECTXE, Digital Art Festival, November 02, Artist talk, Bucheon / South Korea facebook.com/543755156387842/
- Semibreve Festival, Semibreve Award, October 25 — 27, Group exhibition, Braga / Portugal festivalsemibreve.com
- Index Media Arts, Of art and technology, October 23 — 27, Group exhibition, Braga / Portugal indexmediaarts.com
- The Quietus on Offset XYZ, October 10, London / UK thequietus.com/articles/semibreve-festival-andreas-lutz/
- Edigma Semibreve Award for Offset XYZ, Semibreve Festival, September 26, Braga / Portugal festivalsemibreve.com
- Stereolux, Scopitone, September 14, Performance, Nantes / France stereolux.org/transforma-andreas-lutz-shanti/
- Palazzo Contarini, The only stable thing, September 14 — November 03, Group exhibition, Venice / Italy igndv.it
- Stereolux, Scopitone, September 13, Talk, Nantes / France stereolux.org/conferences-alternatives-interactions/
- Interview for Radio Prun, Scopitone Festival, September 13, Nantes / France facebook.com/RadioPrun/
- Stereolux, Scopitone, September 12 — 22, Group exhibition, Nantes / France stereolux.org/agenda/andreas-lutz/
- Interview for Scena 9 Magazine, Arte vizuale, September 08, Bucharest / Romania scena9.ro/arte-vizuale/
- Amural Festival, Amural V at Turnul Negru, August 31, Performance, Brașov / Romania facebook.com/amuralfestival/
- TASCHEN Books, The Evolution of the Digital World, ISBN 978-3836572675, August 30, Cologne / Germany taschen.com
- Centrul Multicultural, Festival Vizual, August 29 — September 01, Group exhibition, Brașov / Romania unitbv.ro
- Interview for Etapes Magazine, L’art numérique catalyseur du design, August 27, Paris / France etapes.com
- Interview for SLEEK Magazine #62, Material Worlds, EAN 4196062210009, June 02, Berlin / Germany sleek-mag.com/magazine/
- Selected Artists, Gallery Weekend, April 24 — 28, Group exhibition, Berlin / Germany selected-artists.com
- Soft TakeoverKinetic sculpture, dimensions variable, electric actuators, stretchable fabric, canvas frame

- Elektrofonisch Pt. 13, Compilation, Kollektor, KLLKTR013EF, February 15, Digital release
- transmediale / CTM Festival, Vorspiel, January 26, Performance, Berlin / Germany ctm-festival.de
- Binary SupremacyAudio-visual performance, 35 minutes, 1-channel, custom software, stereo sound

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- 2018
- Abstract Interpretations, Compilation, Complex, complex252, December 07, Digital release
- Daemon#004, Compilation, Kasuga Records, kasuga021, November 30, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- Oddstream Festival, Hidden Structures, October 10 — 14, Group exhibition, Arnhem / Netherlands oddstream.nl
- SimplexKinetic object, dim. 80 x 54cm, polylactic acid, LED light, motors

- Review Binary Supremacy on Toneshift, October 02, Fort Worth / USA toneshift.net/binary-supremacy/
- Binary Supremacy, Album, Kasuga Records, kasuga019, August 31, Digital and physical release kasuga-records.com
- Everything is possible (not)Object, dim. 128 x 82cm, acrylic plastic, electronic boards, wires, motors

- Dub Fund, Compilation, Kollektor, KLLKTR009DF, August 10, Digital release
- Sesi Art Gallery, Augmented Architecture, July 03 — August 12, Group exhibition, São Paulo / Brazil file.org.br
- Daemon#003, Compilation, Kasuga Records, kasuga018, June 28, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- Aesthetica Magazine on Daemon, May 24, York / UK aestheticamagazine.com/infinite-horizons/
- Athens Digital Art Festival, Singularity Now, May 24 — 27, Group exhibition, Athens / Greece 2018.adaf.gr
- Megaron Athens, May 24 — 27, Group exhibition, Athens / Greece megaron.gr
- designboom on Offset XYZ, May 15, New York / USA designboom.com/art/offset-xyz-installation/
- Selected Artists, Preparing for darkness, May 11 — 21, Group exhibition, Berlin / Germany selected-artists.com
- Offset XYZKinetic sculpture, dim. 310 x 310 x 300cm, pneumatic actuators, stretchable fabric, aluminum structure

- Cultframe Arti Visive on Wutbürger, March 03, Rome / Italy cultframe.com/universi-privati-e-senso-di-perdita/
- Goethe Institut Italy, Dell’abitare incerto, February 15 — April 29, Group exhibition, Rome / Italy goethe.de
- transmediale / CTM Festival, Vorspiel, February 02, Performance, Berlin / Germany ctm-festival.de
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto, Ghost, January 14 — February 04, Group exhibition, Kyoto / Japan rohmtheatrekyoto.jp
- FORUM KYOTO, Live set, January 13, Performance, Kyoto / Japan forumkyoto.com
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- 2017
- Interview for HORA7, November 02, São Paulo / Brazil hora7.r7.com/esse-artista-mostra-como-a-arte/
- Abstract Interpretations, Compilation, Complex, complex189, September 22, Digital release
- Daemon#002, Compilation, Kasuga Records, kasuga017, August 08, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- FILE, O borbulhar de universos, July 17 — September 03, Group exhibition, São Paulo / Brazil file.org.br
- Daemon LEDLight installation, multi-channel, dimensions variable, LED wall system, custom software

- FILE LED Show, Fiesp, July 17 — September 03, Group exhibition, São Paulo / Brazil file.org.br
- Interview for Sub-Kamiture Nr. 2, 突撃!ドイツ全国ゲリラツアーの開催や, June 12, Tokyo / Japan subkami.akaruiyamato.co.jp
- Festival de la Imágen, Soundscapes, June 16, Performance, Manizales / Colombia festivaldelaimagen.com
- ISEA2017, Bio-creation and peace, June 11 — 18, Group exhibition, Manizales / Colombia isea-archives.siggraph.org
- Meer Magazine on I_AM / Interfered Accessed Memories, May 22, Budva / Montenegro meer.com/en/andreas-lutz/
- Wall Street International Magazine on I_AM, May 22, New York / USA wsimag.com/art/26411-andreas-lutz/
- Antarctic Pavilion, Antarctica, May 11 — August 02, Group exhibition, Venice / Italy antarcticpavilion.com
- Critical text for solo exhibition I_AM by Philipp Bollmann, April 16, Berlin / Germany GMM-Lutz-I_AM-Text.pdf
- Berliner Festspiele, Theatertreffen, May 06 — 21, Group exhibition, Berlin / Germany berlinerfestspiele.de
- Zwölftonform (Prints)Pigment prints, dim. 60 x 84cm, 170g/m² natural paper coated white, dibond composite board

- Galerie Mazzoli, I_AM, April 11 — May 27, Solo exhibition, Berlin / Germany galeriemazzoli.com
- Terroir Abstrait, Compilation, City Noises, citynoises123, January 12, Digital release
- Jury selection for Hypergradient, 20th Japan Media Arts Festival, January 10, Tokyo / Japan j-mediaarts.jp
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- 2016
- Daemon#001, Compilation, Kasuga Records, kasuga016, December 27, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- DaemonReactive audio-visual installation, 3-channel, dimensions variable, custom software, translucent fabric

- Prototyp Festival, Elements, November 11 — 13, Group exhibition, Brno / Czech Republic prototypbrno.cz
- Scope Sessions, Scope Presents, October 21, Performance, Berlin / Germany scopesessions.org
- Nuit Blanche, European Quarter, October 03, Group exhibition, Brussels / Belgium nuitblanchebrussels.be
- Centrul de Fotografie Contemporană, Group exhibition, Iasi / Romania c-f-c.ro
- Zwölftonform (Installation)Audio-visual installation, 3-channel, dimensions variable, custom software

- Experimental Project, Visualizing sound, August 10 — 16, Solo show, Bucharest / Romania experimentalproject.ro
- Research and production residency, WASP Studios, August 03 — 16, Bucharest / Romania waspmagazine.com
- German Design Award for Lichtgestalten, Frankfurt / Germany german-design-award.com
- HypergradientKinetic installation, dimensions variable, electric actuators, stretchable fabric, LED light

- Spektrum Berlin, Art, Science, Community, March 27, Performance, Berlin / Germany spektrumberlin.de
- Offset 5s_av1, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga015, February 29, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- Goethe Institut Japan on Wutbürger, February 28, Tokyo / Japan goethe.de/ins/jp/de/kul/sup/vir/
- Digitalarti Mag on Wutbürger, February 16, Paris / France digitalarti.com/blog/digitalarti_mag/
- SuperDeluxe, Live performance Vol. 2, February 04, Performance, Tokyo / Japan super-deluxe.com
- Zwölftonform, Album, Kasuga Records, kasuga014, February 04, Digital and physical release kasuga-records.com
- National Art Center, Japan Media Arts Festival, February 03 — 14, Group exhibition, Tokyo / Japan nact.jp
- Wutbürger, German Rage in Thirteen Acts, DISTANZ Verlag, ISBN 978-3954761357, January 15, Berlin / Germany distanz.de
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- 2015
- ZwölftonformAudio-visual performance, 25 minutes, 1-channel, custom software, stereo sound

- Excellence Award for Wutbürger, 19th Japan Media Arts Festival, December 27, Tokyo / Japan j-mediaarts.jp
- ORM, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga013, December 25, Digital release
- Pinnacles Gallery, Resistance, December 18 — February 28, Group exhibition, Townsville / Australia townsville.au
- Premio Celeste, Celeste Prize 2015, November 12 — 22, Group exhibition, Milano / Italy premioceleste.it
- ONF, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga012, November 02, Digital release
- OffsetKinetic audio-visual installation, dim. 200 x 200cm, electric actuators, stretchable fabric, projector

- KOBE Biennale, Suki, September 19 — November 23, Group exhibition, Kobe / Japan kobe-biennale.jp
- Red Dot Award, Communication Design for Lichtgestalten, August 10, Berlin / Germany red-dot.de
- Cannes Lions (Shortlist) for Lichtgestalten, June 25, Cannes / France canneslionsarchive.com
- OpenART Biennale, City upside down, June 18 — September 10, Group exhibition, Örebro / Sweden openart.se
- LFT, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga011, June 18, Digital release
- Currents New Media, El Museo Cultural, June 12 — 28, Group exhibition, Santa Fe / USA currentsnewmedia.org
- ADC Award, Mixed Media, Installation and Design for Lichtgestalten, May 22, Hamburg / Germany adc.de
- Graphis Annual Design and Poster Yearbook, ISBN 978-1932026962, May 13, New York / USA graphis.com
- The FWA Mobile for Lichtgestalten, May 04, London / UK thefwa.com/mobile/lichtgestalten
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- 2014
- ZWÖ, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga010, December 25, Digital release
- DDC Awards, Digital Media and Graphic Fine Arts for Lichtgestalten, December 01, Frankfurt / Germany ddc.de
- 6th PFF London Art Festival, Freedom, November 08 — 22, Group exhibition, London / UK passionforfreedom.co.uk
- DeformationReactive object, dim. 100 x 100cm, loudspeaker, microphone, aluminum frame, custom software

- KASUGA Temporary Gallery, Wutbürger, August 03 — 29, Solo exhibition, Munich / Berlin / Germany wutbuerger.in
- Villa Stuck, Lichtgestalten, July 17, Group exhibition, Munich / Germany villastuck.de
- Utility patent for SVAGBOX at DPMA, April 05, Munich / Germany register.dpma.de/DPMAregister
- WutbürgerVideo installation, 293 minutes, 1-channel, dim. 130 x 200cm, custom made box, projector, stereo sound

- Member of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Science, February 04, New York / USA iadas.net
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- 2013
- Interactive installation for Neubau Berlin, Lectureship, WiSe 2012/2013, FH Potsdam design.fh-potsdam.de
- Interflex-Seminar Alltagskultur in der DDR, Lectureship, WiSe 2012/2013, FH Potsdam design.fh-potsdam.de
- SVAGBOX, System for touchless interaction, November 03, Berlin / Germany svagbox.com
- ZKM Karlsruhe, AppArtAward Highlights, July 13 — July 06 2014, Group exhibition, Karlsruhe / Germany zkm.de
- AppArtAward, Exhibition Honorees, July 12, Group exhibition, Karlsruhe / Germany app-art-award.org
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- 2012
- Pause Fest, Future, November 08 — 11, Group exhibition, Melbourne / Australia pausefest.com.au
- Campus Party Europe, Tempelhof Airport, August 21 — 26, Group exhibition, Berlin / Germany campus-party.eu
- Lovie Awards (Shortlist) for Fairgrounds Night, August 04, Paris / France lovieawards.eu
- Fairgrounds NightInteractive augmented video, 1-channel, dimensions variable, iOS App, stereo sound

- Martin Guder / Visualizing Sound, Thesis adviser, HTW Berlin, June 12, Berlin / Germany kd.htw-berlin.de
- Kinect, iPhone & Co, Lectureship, SoSe 2012, FH Offenburg mi.hs-offenburg.de
- Interflex-Seminar Alltagskultur in der DDR, Lectureship, SoSe 2012, FH Potsdam design.fh-potsdam.de
- Alternative Interaction, Talk, MetaDesign Berlin, May 25, Berlin / Germany metadesign.com/de/berlin
- Interview Because clicking is so 90s, Deutschlandfunk, May 22, Berlin / Germany deutschlandfunk.de
- Interview for The FWA, March 29, London / UK thefwa.com/interview/andreas-lutz
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- 2011
- Almost, Album, Motor Music, blv313994, October 07, Digital release motormusic.de
- Jan Orth / Natural User Interface, Thesis adviser, FH Offenburg, August 12, Offenburg / Germany janorth.de
- Alternative Interaction, Lectureship, SoSe 2011, FH Offenburg mi.hs-offenburg.de
- Untitled NoiseMusic video, 2 minutes, 1-channel, stereo sound

- Communicator Award for Because clicking is so 90s, July 16, New York / USA communicatorawards.com
- Designpreis Deutschland (Nominee) for Because clicking is so 90s, July 12, Germany german-design-council.de
- Deep Train Volume 7, Compilation, Plastic City, plac0814, July 08, Digital and physical release plasticcity.de
- New York Festivals, Guest blogger, April 23, New York / USA newyorkfestivals.tv/blogs
- La Catharsis - Troisième Édition, Compilation, Catharsis, catharsis009, April 13, Digital release
- Untitled Noise, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga007, March 14, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- ARTE Creative on Because clicking is so 90s, March 20, Paris / France creative.arte.tv/because-clicking-so-90s
- MTV Brazil on Because clicking is so 90s, February 02, São Paulo / Brazil mtv.com.br/o-futuro-do-audiovisual
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- 2010
- Interdisciplinary Design, Talk, FH Offenburg, November 11, Offenburg / Germany mi.hs-offenburg.de
- Because clicking is so 90s, Single, Kasuga Records, kasuga006, November 08, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- iF Design Award for Because clicking is so 90s, October 23, Cologne / Germany exhibition.ifdesign.de
- New York Festivals for Because clicking is so 90s, September 18, New York / USA newyorkfestivals.com
- iF communication design yearbook 2010, ISBN 303-4606109, September 06, Cologne / Germany ifdesign.de
- Audio-visuelle Navigation im Web, ISBN 363-9275160, July 25, Berlin / Germany
- Interview MDR Figaro, June 29, Leipzig / Germany soundcloud.com/mdr-figaro-interview
- iPad, Wii & Ableton Live, Lectureship, WiSe 2010/2011, FH Offenburg mi.hs-offenburg.de
- Interview MDR Sputnik / ARD Studio, June 13, New York / USA soundcloud.com/radio-mdr-sputnik-interview
- VICE / The Creators Project on Because clicking is so 90s, June 03, New York / USA thecreatorsproject.vice.com
- WDR Podcast on Because clicking is so 90s, May 09, Cologne / Germany soundcloud.com/bcis90s-wdr-podcast
- N24 on Because clicking is so 90s, May 08, Berlin / Germany n24.de/die-computer-navigation-der-zukunft
- heise online on Because clicking is so 90s, May 06, Berlin / Germany heise.de
- Computerwoche on Because clicking is so 90s, May 05, Berlin / Germany computerwoche.de
- Webby Awards for Because clicking is so 90s, May 04, New York / USA webbyawards.com
- Metropolis, Compilation, Jubilee Records, jcomp019, March 12, Digital release
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- 2009
- Long Distance, Compilation, Wax'N'Soul Records, wnscomp026, November 10, Digital release
- PSFK on Because clicking is so 90s, October 22, New York / USA psfk.com/because-clicking-is-so-90s
- Ehrensenf on Because clicking is so 90s, October 19, Cologne / Germany youtube.com/watch?v=jMf3ge42oOg
- Creative Applications on Because clicking is so 90s, October 16, London / UK creativeapplications.net
- Fubiz on Because clicking is so 90s, October 16, Barcelona / Spain fubiz.net/audio-visual-navigation
- Weave 10/2009 on Because clicking is so 90s, October 03, Berlin / Germany weave.de
- Interview SVM Mac Digital 09/2009, September 02, Paris / France svmmac.fr
- Rare Grooves, Compilation, Audio Lotion Recordings, lotioncomp039, August 18, Digital release
- Concept sheet Speech recognition for websites, August 12, Frankfurt / Germany Konzept_SpracherkennungImWeb.pdf
- The FWA: Favourite Website Awards for Because clicking is so 90s, May 23, London / UK thefwa.com
- Because clicking is so 90sWeb application, dimensions variable, webcam, microphone, browser, custom software

- Media and Information Science, Diploma, FH Offenburg, January 30, Offenburg / Germany mi.hs-offenburg.de
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- 2008
- Scandinavia, Single, Kasuga Records, kasuga003, December 15, Digital release kasuga-records.com
- Zukunftspreis Kommunikation (Finals), October 27, Frankfurt / Germany zukunftspreis-kommunikation.de
- Edition One, Compilation, Kasuga Records, kasuga002, September 01, Digital release
- Fairgrounds Night, EP, Kasuga Records, kasuga001, June 18, Digital release kasuga-records.com
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- Biography
- Andreas Lutz’s (*1981 in Freiburg / Germany) work explores the human machine relation with the approach, to create integrated and universal communication systems. Within these boundaries, he analyzes and reveals phenomenons of perception versus reality and principles of abstract aesthetics with sculptures, installations and performances. The creation of experimental soundscapes and the relation of semiotics and sound are further aspects of his work.Among others, Lutz’s work has been exhibited at the Antarctic Pavilion during 57th Venice Biennale (Italy), the National Art Center Tokyo (Japan), at HeK Basel (Switzerland), at Times Art Museum in Beijing (China), at Sónar+D in Barcelona (Spain) and Istanbul (Turkey), at Karachi Biennale KB22 (Pakistan), at Stereolux Scopitone in Nantes (France), at B39 Art Bunker in Bucheon (South Korea), at ISEA2017 in Manizales (Colombia), at Galerie Mazzoli in Berlin (Germany), at FILE Festival in São Paulo (Brazil), at ZKM in Karlsruhe (Germany), at Semibreve Festival in Braga (Portugal), at Nuit Blanche in Brussels (Belgium), at KOBE Biennale (Japan), at Berliner Festspiele (Germany) and at Athens Digital Arts Festival (Greece).He has performed at Scopitone Festival in Nantes (France), at Medialab Matadero in Madrid (Spain), at WeSA Seoul in Jeju (South Korea), at OSA Festival in Sopot (Poland), at Festival de la Imágen in Manizales (Colombia), at PRECTXE Festival in Bucheon (South Korea), at Sonic Territories in Vienna (Austria), at SuperDeluxe Tokyo (Japan), at transmediale / CTM Vorspiel in Berlin (Germany), at WASP Bucharest (Romania), at FORUM Kyoto (Japan) and was awarded with the Excellence Award at the 19th Japan Media and Arts Festival (Japan), the Premio Celeste Art Prize (Italy), the Edigma Semibreve Award (Portugal) and the Webby Award (USA). He is the founder of KASUGA, a Berlin-based interdisciplinary studio and record label.
- Prizes
- 2023 — Medialab Matadero, Artist Residency medialab-matadero.es
2020 — Aesthetica Art Prize, Shortlist aestheticamagazine.com
2019 — Edigma Semibreve Award festivalsemibreve.com
2017 — Japan Media Arts Festival, Jury Selection j-mediaarts.jp
2016 — Experimental Project / WASP, Artist Residency experimentalproject.ro
2015 — Japan Media Arts Festival, Excellence Award j-mediaarts.jp
2015 — Premio Celeste, Celeste Prize premioceleste.it
2011 — Designpreis Deutschland, Nominee german-design-council.de
2010 — iF Design Award ifdesign.de
2010 — Webby Award webbyawards.com -
- Selected publications / press
- 2024 — Glissando Magazyn, A sign is just a metaphor glissando.pl
2023 — Sedition, Art practice seditionart.com
2022 — China Daily Magazine, On the edge of senses chinadaily.com.cn
2021 — The Age of Data, Embracing Algorithms in Art & Design niggli.ch
2019 — TASCHEN Books, The Evolution of the Digital World taschen.com
2019 — The Quietus, Offset XYZ thequietus.com
2019 — SLEEK Magazine, Material Worlds sleek-mag.com
2018 — Aesthetica Magazine, Soft Takeover aestheticamagazine.com
2018 — designboom, Offset XYZ designboom.com
2016 — Goethe Institut Japan, Media Arts goethe.de
2016 — DISTANZ Verlag, Wutbürger distanz.de
2012 — Deutschlandfunk, Webby Award deutschlandfunk.de
2010 — VICE, The Creators Project vice.com
2009 — Creative Applications, Because clicking is so 90s creativeapplications.net -
- Collections
- Union Investment Stiftung, Noise / Structure, Frankfurt / Germany
Harddiskmuseum, ALM Transformation U+0000..U+FFFF, Madrid / Spain
Private collections, Digital & physical works -
- CV
- CV Andreas Lutz (PDF)
- Contact
- Studio Andreas Lutz, Pappelallee 5A, 10437 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 956 13 770, hello@andreaslutz.com -
- Booking
- booking@kasuga-records.com
- Representation
- OUTPUT, Suzhou Road(N) No. 298, Floor 2, Shanghai, China
+86 21 3118 6037, art@byoutput.com, byoutput.com -
- Connect
- Instagram, YouTube, X, Vimeo, Facebook, Bandcamp
- Newsletter
- Links
- KASUGA Studio, KASUGA Records
- Imprint
- © Andreas Lutz / All rights reserved.
Responsible pursuant to § 55 sect. 2 RStV: Andreas Lutz (Address same as Contact). The representative is not liable for the privacy practices or the content of websites embedded, linking to or from this website. -