Offset XYZ
2018-2022 — Kinetic sculpture, dim. 310 x 310 x 300cm
Trained artificial neural network (Abstract Language Model), pneumatic actuators, stretchable fabric, aluminum structure, custom software
What, if you are not understood?
What, if your environment were alien to you?
What, if you just want to be accepted?

What, if you were an AI?

Imitating human behavioral patterns with derived, abstracted actions and processes, Offset XYZ — a physical artificial intelligence — tries to establish communication with the human observer. The kinetic sculpture's behaviour includes fixed, dynamic and random movements together with flexible time units (unique, repetitive, intuitive) to create an autonomous, unpredictable object which possess its own time basis, its own consciousness, its own reality.

Every position and movement has to be read as encrypted words and sentences, its semiotic system or language (Abstract Language Model, since 2022): an attempt for seeking contact from the self-aware becoming machine trying to be understand by its unknown environment. To immerse its effort for acceptance, the object has adapted a recognized proportion model based on the human body (Modulor Man by Le Corbusier) to adjust its physical appearance to the scheme-conditioned human perception as much as possible.

Is the observer — are we — able to decode and accept the cryptic, alien opponent as an equal acting protagonist?

— Edit 2022
Having employed in previous works the conceptual idea of an assumed language model for self-conscious machines and their possible expressions, the research and development of an abstract language model was initiated in 2021: a machine created semiotic system which is based on all existing human signs, but transferred into and recreated with a machine-learned model. The result of this process is now also used for the current version of Offset XYZ.
A detailed description for the research and process for Abstract Language Model can be found here (Abstract Language Model with Monolith YW, 2020-2022).

In-situ at Kühlhaus Berlin (Preparing for darkness), Berlin / Germany, 2018
Proportions from Offset XYZ based on "Le Modulor" (© FLC/ADAGP,
In-situ at HeK Basel, Basel / Switzerland, 2019
In-situ at Stereolux Scopitone, Nantes / France, 2019
In-situ at Noche Blanca, Oviedo / Spain, 2020
In-situ at Semibreve Festival, Braga / Portugal, 2019