2014 — Video installation, dim. 130 x 200cm
Custom made box, 1-channel video, 293 minutes loop, projector, stereo sound
Custom made box, 1-channel video, 293 minutes loop, projector, stereo sound
The video installation Wutbürger (in collaboration with Christoph Grünberger) deals with the personal anger and individual failure of a German man. The protagonist Stefan W. (an Everyman) lives through different stages of his life in retrospective, which finally casts him to a hostile present, that becomes a prison with no way back.
In a custom-built wooden box, a five-hour performance was first recorded and is now exhibited in exactly this box (rear projection) again. During a guerilla intervention tour through Germany (Isolation episode), the box was placed in front of typical locations carrying a collective Wutbürger potential (Nuclear power plants, European Central Bank, Mass surveillance facilities) but also containing elements of personal anger like hedonism, boring suburbs, neglect.
The box acts as a demonstrating and protesting surrogate for everybody.
In Germany, Wutbürger are people who share a common feeling of disappointment about politics and who manifests anger through public demonstrations. The anger of these people mostly is directed to a collective target.
But what about the singular Wutbürger? The individual anger and disappointment of an individual? The individual anger and disappointment of any of us? What if one´s life is ruled by the feelings of frustration and powerlessness?
What happens when a single man suddenly directs all this anger at himself?
In Germany, Wutbürger are people who share a common feeling of disappointment about politics and who manifests anger through public demonstrations. The anger of these people mostly is directed to a collective target.
But what about the singular Wutbürger? The individual anger and disappointment of an individual? The individual anger and disappointment of any of us? What if one´s life is ruled by the feelings of frustration and powerlessness?
What happens when a single man suddenly directs all this anger at himself?
For the Isolation episode, the box was exposed against 13 different objects and situations throughout Germany to analyze the dialectic of the word "Wutbürger" again. First, the box was placed as a substitution in front of typical places with collective Wutbürger potential (Nuclear power plants, European Central Bank, Mass surveillance facilities) but also personal anger fields (hedonism, boring suburbs, neglect) and acted as a demonstrating and protesting surrogate for everybody. At the same time parts of the 13 acts performed live in the box and the objective anger and the personal anger of Stefan W. were mixed together and put in relation.
In preparation for and during the live performance, a fictional diary (Moleskine, 192 pages) was authored and pictured by the actor. The entire performance was transcripted and published as a small book (A5 format, 232 pages).
For the Confrontation episode, the recorded performance is presented as a video installation in the box again. This episode started in November 2014 and is realized continuously in collaboration with Biennials and other exhibition venues.